Teofilo Camomot — The Latest Venerable from the Philippines

M.E.V. Amodia
I AM Catholic
Published in
6 min readJun 6, 2022
A young Teofilo Camomot

On May 21, 2022 Pope Francis declared the late Cebuano archbishop the latest Venerable within the Catholic Church, but who was the archbishop otherwise known during his childhood as Lolong to friends, classmates, and relatives? Having visited the chapel where he is buried a few weeks ago in late April I can safely say that he was one of a kind despite sharing Padre Pio’s gift of bilocation.

Teofilo Bastida Camomot was born on March 3, 1914 in Barangay Cogon, Carcar, Cebu to Luis Camomot and his wife Angela Bastida. From an early age, he was already exposed to a very religious environment. Lolong as he was known throughout his childhood helped his father on their farm and dreamed of becoming an agriculturist one day which his mother strongly disapproved of. Even from an early age, he already had a strong concern for the poor, asking his mother for food and rice to give to the farmers and the poor. One day when his older brother was visiting and saw that Camomot was not attending school he asked him if he would like to join the seminary and as they say; the rest was history!

The beloved archbishop was not known as an eloquent speaker or preacher but his concern for the poor and his gifts were quite well-known during his lifetime. One of the examples of this as he had gotten older was when he traveled by ship on the way to Rome to participate in Vatican II, even though he was in Europe his concern for the poor was observed by those around him. I am sure that there are many stories similar to this that would fill this entire post with them so I’ve given just one of the many examples of the man’s kindness and concern. His gifts include levitation, healing, reading hearts, and bilocation, with this list you wonder why it’s taking so long for him to be canonized though I understand that there are rules and regulations to follow before one is declared a saint. So instead of worrying about that, let us look at some of the possible official miracles attributed to the late archbishop.

First miracle: archbishopcamomot.ph

My tatay (father) who lives in America tested positive for COVID and I only knew that he had a fever after a week from the onset of the said fever. he was very weak and did not want to eat. in my daily prayer and in our daily family rosary, we asked for his recovery.

in my daily prayer to GOD thru the intercession of Arch Teofilo Camomot, I asked that my tatay will get well and recover and I promised to Arch Camomot that I will write a testimony.

My 74 years old tatay has fully recovered from
COVID after 2 weeks without going to the hospital.

Thus, I am writing this testimony.

Thank you for your mercy of Lord GOD, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit thru the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and Teofilo Camomot and all the saints and angels.

Praise GOD.

Second miracle: Published in SunStar

SISTER Ma. Emper Rabasano, 44, almost lost hope when doctors told her in 2015 that she had myoma or a benign tumor on her cervix.

Rabasano, a member of the Daughters of St. Therese (DST), told SunStar Cebu that four months before she found out about the tumor, she bled profusely even if she didn’t have her period.

Her previous superior advised her to seek a second opinion from another doctor in Cebu City last year.

Before she went to the doctor for her check-up, Rabasano went to the tomb of the late Archbishop Teofilo Camomot to pray at 3 a.m.

Camomot’s tomb is inside the compound of the DST Mother House in Barangay Valladolid in Carcar City.

While praying, Rabasano prostrated before the late prelate’s tomb, asking him to heal her.

When she went to Cebu City for her check-up, the doctor was surprised. An ultrasound showed that the tumor on her cervix was no longer there.

Rabasano said she couldn’t help screaming when she saw the results.

Rabasano is one of many people who claim they were healed through Camomot’s intercession.

On the late bishop’s 29th death anniversary yesterday, Rabasano asked God to elevate Camomot to sainthood.

Hundreds of other devotees came to the DST Mother House to pray for Camomot yesterday.

In his homily, Cebu Auxiliary Bishop Dennis Villarojo reminded the faithful that when he was still alive, Camomot served his flock wholeheartedly, not expecting anything in return.

He urged the faithful to follow Camomot’s example by serving in their respective professions and vocations wholeheartedly, regardless of the monetary reward.

“Dili ra ta mutrabaho kay tungod naay suhol. Kana bang mutrabaho kay nalipay ta sa atong trabahoan, kay nalingaw ta nga nihatag ug serbisyo sa uban (We shouldn’t just work for money. Rather, we should do it because serving others make us happy),” Villarojo added.

In a separate interview, Reverend Mother Ma. Louella Grace Buscato, superior of the DST Mother House, said they have assessed Rabasano’s claim and included it among the testimonies of favors given by Camomot.

She said that the beautification process for Camomot is still being addressed by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

Buscato said that Fr. Samson Selloriquez, the main postulator for Camomot’s cause, told them that no negative comments were given on the documentary evidence on the late prelate’s heroic life and virtues.

For now, they are awaiting the written order from Pope Francis to declare Camomot as “venerable.”

Third miracle: Found in archbishopcamomot.ph

I was diagnosed of possible bone tumor or cancer. Clival lesion was the initial findings. The surgeon set a biopsy on March 12, 2020. On that day February 11, 2020 when the Surgery was so sure about my illness, my sister Divina who recently visited Cebu hand me a prayer of Teofilo Camomot for his beatification asking favor/intercession for my intention for healing. I asked the Surgeon, how accurate he is with my illness, and he said, 90%. I told the Surgeon, I believed in miracles. He replied, I don’t but good luck to you. After the surgery on March 12, 2020 in Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, everything turns into normal. The initial findings of the tumor or cancer was cleared. I talked to the Surgeon. He was so amazed. “I told you doc, that I believed in miracles because I believed in God.” The Surgeon was happy for me and this is the first time that his initial findings weren’t right. Until now they still contact me and ask about my condition. I am perfectly fine at the moment and after the surgery. The right illness was hard for them to identify because it was rare, but at least it is curable. Until now, I am on medication, but my headache was gone after the biopsy. I experienced headache, severe headaches since October 4, 2019 until March 11, 2020. I can’t sleep at night. 3 hours maximum of sleep due to headache for five months. I offered my sufferings to those who suffered more. But I asked for healing as well. Today, everything is back to normal. I prayed for a month to God through Msgr. Teofilo Camomot and amazingly my prayers were granted. I am grateful for his intercession and thankful to God Almighty for a second life. I thought this story could help his beautification. In God’s time. Amen.

*Some of the spelling and grammar errors were corrected by me since we are not native English speakers in the Philippines.

There you have it, gang! Once the archbishop is canonized a saint he will be the second saint from my hometown of Cebu after St. Pedro Calungsod. What are your thoughts on this quiet but saintly man? Especially to those readers from the Philippines. Leave your comments below!

