The Folly of Subjective Morality and it’s Self Defeating Nature

I AM Catholic
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2022

Subjective morality, is an idea that is ludicrous on the face of it, yet it permeates and has made itself dominant, in modern culture, philosophy, politics and even religion. Subjective morality, is the idea that morality is man-made, intertwined in culture, fallible, subjective and unclear. This being the case, you might suppose that these people would remain quiet in public discourse, as there morality is purely subjective, fallible and personal. But alas, you would be wrong. These people are the loudest and most self obsessed public commentators, who love hear their own voice and some of the most emotional an unhinged political activists. How is this possible? Well when you remove the idea of objective morality, of God, of church and religion, from society, a vacuum forms for what defines right and wrong, you are left only with the self and the ego. This leaves you, not God, to be judge, jury and executioner, as well as lawmaker, philosophe etc. You become a real life Batman, just like how the culture tells you are special, you begin to believe you are special. Morality in this world begins and ends with your reasons and thoughts. The epitome of ego, the highest of vanities, the crown of delusion. To believe that your own personal fallible reason is highest order in the universe. We who believe in absolute morality, and who believe in the catholic faith, do not believe we are the highest arbiters of morality, I am but a worm, in comparison to the majesty, wisdom and absolute goodness that is God. I am LESSER than God, than his saints, than his angels, than his mother, than the doctors of his church, than the martyrs, then the virgins, prophets, patriarchs, clerics and established church. Who can look at the creation of the universe, and in turn the creator, and say “I could do better than that”, only the ramblings of a mad man. I am not the author of this life or of wisdom, or of morality, that alone comes from almighty God.

We have already established how this line of thinking is synonymous with pride and egoism, but it is also flat out wrong and immoral. First lets deal with morality, and discuss an issue that should be common sense, slavery, chattel slavery. Someone who believes in absolute morality, and in the Catholic church, answers absolutely that Chattel slavery, no matter the culture, no matter the circumstances, no matter the consequences is wrong. Someone who believes in subjective morality could not, the best he could muster would be either, slavery is unreasonable, or slavery is wrong in the present cultural understanding, or that slavery is only wrong because its leads to worse results. But nay I say, and the Church says, and God says, chattel slavery is wrong absolutely and can not be redeemed. Even if slavery seemed reasonable to a fallible human mind (as it often did), even if the culture was “different”, even if it brought forth plenteous harvest and good results, the slavers would be sinning, and chattel slavery would still be wrong. You can apply similar logic to other things that are absolutely wrong, such as genocide, abortion, torturing the innocent, violent acts racism, etc. The honest subjective moralist wouldn't be able to condemn any of these entirely, whether they be subscribed to some form of nihilism, consequentialism or cultural differentialism.

Not only is it impossible to hold a moral worldview and believe in subjective morality, it is also self defeating to believe or care about anything whilst believing in subjective morality. If you believe that you, yourself and your own human reason are the final arbiters of morality, then one simply has to remind you of the own fallibility of your reason to defeat you in an argument. Let examine politics for example, if human reason was sufficient enough to determine morality there wouldn't be protests on both sides of every political issue, there wouldn't be roe v wade demonstrations, black lives matter protests, there would not be elections results that are very close to each other. The simple fact is there are people smarter than you and me who hold different opinions then both of us, why should you trust your own reason, over the reasons of those who are more intelligent. Even if you did trust someone who was smarter then you, how could you trust yourself to discern that, and how about when there are smarter people on every side of the political isle. What then? The truth is without faith in God, your reason is worthless, without absolute morals, your morality is entirely baseless. Either someone who believes in subjective morality, holds their own reason is superior to everyone who has ever existed and God himself, which is laughably narcissistic and stupid, or you have to admit you have faith, in some moral system, in other men in general (society), or just a particular men or type of man. But what if I told you rather than deriving your morality on fallible worldly human things, you can put you faith in God, and his infallible Church? The God who created you, cell by cell , and the entire universe, atom by atom, the God who sacrificed himself on human altars for our salvation and eternal union with God. Wouldn't that be greater than any educated guess? God is the greatest



I AM Catholic

A Theologically Conservative, Roman Catholic convert, who attends the Ordinariate. Politically Catholic, Traditionalist and Distributist