The Logic and Mercy of Purgatory

Disbelief in Purgatory doesn’t dissolve or demolish it.

I AM Christian


On left, picture of angel. On right, picture of fiery pit.
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I have zero understanding of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics utterly mystifies me. I don’t believe the prediction of a global internet crash due to a solar flare in 2025.

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Disagreeing with the doctrine of Purgatory doesn’t diminish its reality. You can believe in it now and prepare to avoid it through my holiness of life. Or, like the majority of people, you can wait until death to experience it.

Using informal logic, we present the claim we want to support and list the premises that support this conclusion. If you disagree with the premises themselves, you’ll naturally deny the conclusion. You may still reject the conclusion while considering the premises to be valid. But that would be both illogical and irrational — something no reasonable person wants to admit being.


There are deceased persons on the way to heaven and safe from hell whom we can assist with our prayer, penance, and sacrifices.

1st Premise — The custom of praying for the dead goes



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