The Passion: Our Choices and the Glory

Allison Ricciardi
I AM Catholic
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2022

We’ve entered Holy Week and we are about to enter the Sacred Triduum. As we contemplate the Passion of Our Lord and His saving death on the cross, let’s reflect on the many characters we encounter. Who are you in this drama about to unfold?

We start on Palm Sunday. The crowds welcome and laud Jesus as He enters Jerusalem…and a few short days later clamor for His crucifixion. What a lesson here. How often do we follow the crowd without much thought, but get caught up in the emotion without any real reflection? How often are we swayed by whatever cause is put before us by social or corporate media?

So, who are you in this drama?

· Judas, who betrays Jesus with a kiss?

· The brash apostle who cuts off the ear of the official about to arrest Jesus?

· Are you St. Peter who denies Jesus?

· Or one of the apostles who flees?

· Are you one of the soldiers who tortures Jesus?

· Are you the unrepentant thief who mocks Him?

· Or, are you St. John or the repentant Mary Magdalene, faithful and steadfast to the end, at the foot of the cross?

· Are you the Centurion who thrusts the lance into His side and believes?

Truth be told, we all play these roles at one time or another. Each day we make our choices and they lead us either closer to heaven or closer to hell.

As we endure these difficult days in our world, as evil seems like it’s winning, know that we are in the hour of darkness…but that the day of Justice will dawn. The body of Christ will experience all that He did in His passion, but also in His resurrection. No matter how dark it looked on Good Friday — nothing could stop what was coming on Easter Sunday. The same holds true today —

nothing can stop the good that God has planned. We just need to decide where we want to be in this drama — firmly planted on the side of truth, or clamoring with the crowds?

The crowds are so rarely right. Choose the narrow path, like the good thief who, despite the jeers of the crowd, by his faith and repentance, gained paradise.

Wishing you all a most blessed and happy Easter. Keep the faith!



Allison Ricciardi
I AM Catholic

Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Founder of The Raphael Remedy and, Blogger, Consultant