The Road

Wednesday, Octave of Easter

Linda Whitworth
I AM Catholic
3 min readApr 20, 2022


Good Morning, dear reader! We’re halfway through the week! Today we are continue our study of the Easter message. The reading in Acts will enlighten us as to the apostle’s journey as they seek to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and bring more believers to Him. And in Luke, we will see that Jesus is working on revealing Himself to his followers.

This morning, in Acts, we see Peter and John on their way to the temple where they meet up with a man who was handicapped. They stop to talk to him and figure while they’re at it, they can heal the man through the power of Jesus Christ. And so they do. This man was overjoyed to be able to walk again! It is with these signs and deeds that the apostles were able to convert so many more to believe in Jesus! What more powerful message could one need than to see a man who couldn’t walk, suddenly able to stand up and enter into the temple on his own two legs! You’ve got me sold! In this case, seeing is definitely believing!! It is stories like this that encourage us to stay the course and keep walking with Jesus!

As we move into our reading in Luke, the story begins on the same day that the empty tomb was discovered. Two of Jesus’s disciples are walking along discussing what just happened. They are still in a sort of daze. They’re trying to process the whole thing. As they’re walking along, they meet up with a “man” and the “man” asks them what they are talking about. The two must’ve been quite puzzled that this “man” had no clue as to recent events. Has he been living under a rock!??! However, once he had been brought up to speed, it would seem that he had a good grasp on what it all meant. He goes on to explain that Moses and the prophets were right in saying that the suffering of Jesus was necessary as a part of God’s plan. He wanted them to understand that this wasn’t just some random persecution. This HAD to happen. As the men are listening, something inside them tells them that this is not just any man. There was something about him, something that excited them…but they just couldn’t figure out what it was. It was that “gut feeling” you get when you meet someone. It is not until later, after Jesus revealed HImself to them at the supper, that they realize that their heart recognized Jesus, even if they didn’t physically know who He was at the time.

What all this amounts to is that we have to have continual faith in Christ even if we can’t feel Him or see Him. We know that He is there and will never leave us. You need to rely on faith. Your heart still knows even if your brain doesn’t. When you are mired in the dark and struggling for understanding, let your heart be your guide. Let your faith be the path that leads you to peace. You will eventually get to a place where everything will make sense. You will see God’s plan and know that you are stronger for having come through it. “If God brings you to it, He will see you through it”. Remember that. And as you are walking the path, also remember to be a nice human. 😇

Father Bill’s reflection on today’s readings:

A familiar hymn, but with a little more “oommph”:

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Linda Whitworth
I AM Catholic

New to blogging, but blessed to be able to do it! Remember... be a nice human! 😇 Follow my blog: