The Scourge Of Theological Liberalism

I AM Catholic
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2022

By Armand LaCroix

It is no secret that Christianity in the west is in rapid decline. There was no such rate of decline in western history comparable, not during the black death, wars of religion, protestant reformation, great schism, conquests of the Ottomans, Mongols, Arabs or even Roman era pagans. The Christian religion survived in one form of another, from all these crises, but if currents trends continue there will be no Christian Europe left in 100, 50 or in some cases 20 years. This modern crisis is different from those before, as the enemy isn’t some external force but the spirit of, universalism, and modernism compounded into the ultimate apostasy, theological liberalism.

The situation is particularly dire in Countries like England and France. In France less than two Percent practice their Catholic Faith and attend mass weekly, and it’s illegal to proselytize or discuss faith in public. This in Catholic France, the great catholic bulwark of western Europe, the same country which hosted the glory of the Sun King 400 years ago, the same nation that 60 years ago didn’t allow women to vote, now among the most secular and atheistic in the world. Among English youth 18–25, less than 1 percent attend Anglican mass, and the average congregation size is 30, with around 2–3 people under 40 years old in each. The same England that deposed two kings, to preserve its protestant heritage, today couldn’t have subjects more apathetic to Christianity. Both nations will have more Muslims than Christians in only a few decades. How is this possible, how could the greatest faith tradition, the one true religion, the only means of salvation, decline into nothing by a quiet suicide?

There is one apparent answer, and this is theological liberalism. Starting in the 1900s seminaries both of protestants and Catholics were infiltrated by the spirit of modernism and universalism under the guise of faith. These errors intended to reform or remake the religion of our fathers in the image of men and of the modern world. The prevailing wisdom was Catholicism, and Christianity isn’t that archaic, irrational, unscientific and just an excuse for state power? As Marx said, “the opiate of the people”. Now it would have been one thing if these modern thinkers abandoned the church and promoted atheism and irreligion, but rather they did something far more sinister and devious. They took control of the churches from within and promoted their diabolical doctrines which amount in essence the highest form of heresy, nay even greater the heresy, apostasy. These doctrines were the idea that the scriptures were not infallible and were subject to the “historical critical method”, that sacred tradition is subject to change with the times, that the divinely ordained hierarchy of the universe, the so-called great chain of being was a human construct, that gender roles and human sexuality were subject to change with the times.

These errors and heresies started off small, first by endorsing the anti-family, anti-christian and revolutionary first wave feminism. The removal of chapel veils from church, the endorsement of contraception in grave cases, an acceptance and later even a promotion of ‘liberal democracy’. Were these the fruits of a must needed reform to bring Christianity out of the dark ages? No, no matter how seemingly small the incursion against biblical, traditional, and ecclesiastical authority is, this invention is still a rebellion against the divine order, and in doing so wounding the body of Christ. Perhaps you have heard the saying give the Devil an inch and he will take a mile? Once you question and rebel against the divine truth, you leave the door open too and invite to further rebellions and attacks. It is then no surprise that today we have open homosexual bishops in protestant churches, and quiet homosexuals in the catholic church. These are well meaning lost Christians, to contrary they are deliberate antichrists.

Thirty percent of Anglican clergy (priests and bishops) deny the physical resurrection of Christ. Thirty percent of Catholic clergy are homosexual and about half say not always celibate. Do the problems in the church, seem much clearer now? They should. You can not serve two masters as the good book says and it is clear that the theological liberals, serve Satan, not God. Today most protestant churches affirm ordination of women, abortion, contraception, gay marriage and even transgenderism. While demons like James Martin promote the same within the catholic church with support from some cardinals and even occasionally from Pope Francis.

Why would anyone join a church, in which its own principles are openly mocked, scorned, and disregarded? This precisely why these theologically liberal protestant denominations are rapidly disappearing, and why young Catholics are attending traditional Latin mass societies while Novus Ordo communities’ crumble. We need religion now in the modern world more than ever, with the destruction of community, nefarious international organizations pushing satanic ideas, widespread mental illness, alienation and socialization, the gospel is needed more than ever. And we need to give it to them, unadulterated, undefiled, and unapologetically. There is no compromise with the devil, resist theological liberalism.



I AM Catholic

A Theologically Conservative, Roman Catholic convert, who attends the Ordinariate. Politically Catholic, Traditionalist and Distributist