Toxic goes with Narcissist

Masculinity is Man’s Nature at its *Finest*

Felicity Dark
I AM Catholic
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


Masculine men are gentlemen. Period. They are the men who are so confident in their masculine strengths that they are comfortable being vulnerable, kind, and gentle. Masculine men are the ideal, and their nature at its finest is in no way “toxic”. Pah-lease… please stop tying that ugly word to my favorite concept in the entire universe. I’m a woman, full-blown and feminine, so of course there is nothing I love more than true masculinity.

Toxic men are mentally-ill, and completely incapable of the vulnerability that a masculine man is capable of. Mental illness is what the word “toxic” describes. It describes ALL people who are narcissistic, Machiavellian, or psychopathic, not just men. Why, oh why, would we as a culture latch this concept to the very nature of the dominant sex that was designed to protect?

Do we recognize the message we are sending to our little boys? I certainly do not want my sons to believe that they are inherently toxic and therefore mentally-ill just because they are males, but this is without a doubt, the implication. We should want our sons to believe that they are capable of mastering their masculine tendencies to such a supreme extent that they will be able to use them heroically. We need them to have humility, which will give them the ability to gently lead their families in that healthy, powerful way that a masculine nature can do so beautifully.

Feminists seem to believe that we will instill this humility by berating men and “humiliating” them. I guess in a way that’s understandable, but it’s wrong. It’s dangerously wrong. Humility is knowing the truth about oneself. Men NEED to know the truth about themselves.

The truth is that their nature is incredible; their drive to conquer, protect and provide can be unstoppable and practically perfected if they find truly healthy inspiration. Denying this obvious fact is false-humility. Few things are more irritating than someone who cannot see that they have a quality, skill or talent. False-humility is obnoxious, and therefore I cannot help equate this with the men who are fine with their nature being referred to as “toxic”. These men are on my nerves. Feminist men are as obnoxiously irritating as any living creature possibly can be.

I respect gentlemen. I want to raise gentlemen, but in this culture it feels next to impossible. So in my little way, in my little voice, I am doing what I can to change the tide of our culture. I am saying what I ought. I am putting myself on the line, which generally gets me attacked by packs of feminist hyenas, but my roar tends to bring around some of the strongest lions and lionesses, too. It’s worth it. Bring on the cackles and high-pitched, squealing laughs of those hyenas. Let’s get this party started.



Felicity Dark
I AM Catholic

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