12 Amazing Facts About Cats

Saqib Ali
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2020
Photo by Miron Cristina on Unsplash

Cats are one of the most popular pets in an American household, today. According to a national pet owners survey, there were over 95.6 million cats living in the US alone in 2017. According to Cat Fancier’s Association, there are over 44 breeds of cats. You all know how much adorable cats are, but there are some facts about cats that you might not know. These facts about cats are specifically interesting for feline lovers.

Facts About Cats:

  • Cats cannot detect sweetness, which is why they are not drawn to sweet things like humans are.
  • Cats only use their meows to communicate with humans, apart from that a cat only meows when it is a kitten to communicate with its mother.
  • Cat owners think that milk is essential for cats but, cats are actually lactose intolerant.
  • Household cats live around 12–18 years of age but they can also reach their early 20s, the oldest cat Creme puff lived for 38 years of age.
  • Cats can jump around 8 feet in the air in a single bound, that’s nearly six times its length.
  • A cat’s sense of smell is 14 times better than humans, in fact, a cat’s sense of smell is its strongest sense.
  • Cats only sweat through their paws.
  • A cat has 32 muscles in its ears, it can rotate its ear 180 degrees.
  • A cat’s 70% life is spent sleeping and 15% of life grooming itself.
  • A cat’s nose is unique, similar to a human fingerprint.
  • A cat’s heartbeat at rest is around 110–140, which is nearly double than a human’s heartbeat.
  • The hearing ability of a cat is 5 times better than a human.



Saqib Ali
Writer for

A pharmacist who loves to write and loves animals. Check out my animal blog www.scribbledbook.com