This is Callie at her new home. Photo by Louise Peacock

Callie the Calico Cat Finds a Home

Louise Peacock


Callie is an elderly (13–14 year old) cat who lost her home when her owner passed away.

There was not much hope of finding her a new home due to her age.

One of my elderly garden clients had recently lost her cat and was feeling pretty low. I managed to get her to visit Callie in her foster home.

They bonded at once and we left with Callie in a cat carrier. Callie quickly made the new home her own.

Callie lounges on the couch. Photo by Louise Peacock
Callie checks out the new place. Photo by Louise Peacock

It’s nice to see the new family member filling the gap left by Nikki, seen below. It was great to see the positive change in my client.

Nikki, 3 weeks before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Photo by Louise Peacock



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.