Glowy Gandalf (R.I.P.). Photo by Bruce Walker, computer enhancements by Louise Peacock

Catmas 2023 Mewsletter

Louise Peacock
Published in
Sent as a


Dec 23, 2023


First of all, Sorry that this is this the one and only CatMews since Spring 2023.

2023 has been a challenging year for the editors of Catness. At the beginning of June, Louise had a TIA stroke which left everything in total confusion.

From June up until the present, we have been playing catch up. So here we are, practically at the end of 2023, and just a couple of days before Catmas Day wishing Catmas greetings to everybody.

For Catness, 2023 was a really good year. We gained a lot of really great new writers and our followership has grown to 1,596. Our sincere thanks to all of you.

Have a healthy and happy New Years Eve and keep those great stories coming.

All the best from your editors Bruce Walker and Louise Peacock.

Louise Peacock and Bruce Walker in Steampunk attire. Photo by Anne-Marie Schlodder.



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.