Cats in Winter

Let the cuddling begin



It’s hard to type with two cats on my lap (Author’s Photo)

Currently, the Muffin Man and Ebenezer are both on my lap.

No, scratch that. They just got into a fight, and the Muffin Man left. He’s now sitting next to the computer, making sure I tell his side of the story properly — that my lap belongs to him and that Ebenezer is a thief.

The cats have been hard-core fighting over my lap. Sometimes, briefly, compromises have been reached. Last night, Winnie and Sweet Zombie coexisted on my lap, Winnie on top of the blanket, Sweet Zombie under it. She was actually lying on top of him, but I’m not sure they were really aware of how close they actually were to each other. They hate each other. Well, she hates him. He may secretly have a crush on her.

My cabin is a little drafty, and so it’s hard to get it warm when it’s extremely cold outside. Right now, it’s fifteen degrees out, which we Arkansans consider to be ridiculously, paralyzingly cold. But the high today is forty, and tomorrow it’s supposed to reach fifty. The battle for my lap may settle down tomorrow.

The Muffin Man just came back. He’s sitting on top of Ebenezer, pretending he isn’t there. Ebenezer’s tail is flicking back and forth — which has drawn Scooter’s attention. Now Scooter is playing with Ebbie’s tail. I’m about to have a fight break out on my lap. This is my life, all winter long.

Coffee is warm




high school English teacher, cat nerd, owner of Grading with Crayon, and author of Biddleborn.