Cats React to Solar Eclipse

Sara E. Hand
Published in
1 min readApr 9, 2024

Yesterday I was home during the solar eclipse. After experiencing one in 2017 and not seeing much, I did not think this one would be overly impressive either. Boy, was I wrong. Though where I live was not fully in the path, it had nearly 100% coverage. I don’t think I will ever forget the quiet that overcame everything around me. How the birds stopped singing, the squirrels stopped moving, and everything fell into an eerie shadow.

What intrigued me most was how my cats reacted during the eclipse. From what I understand (from Google) most animals don’t have much of a reaction during eclipses. My cats were not acting scared or worried, but I noticed that they stayed farther away from windows. I wish I had thought to capture a photo of them. While they normally sit right next to the window, they instead stayed a few feet away. They were still looking out, but giving a respectful distance.

Most people probably would not have noticed the difference, but I know my cats well enough that it struck me as odd. I cannot deny that yesterday felt spiritually significant. When animals notice a change, you know something special is taking place.

Photo by Sara Hand



Sara E. Hand
Writer for

I'm a wife, mother, and follower of Christ. I love cats, romance novels, terrible reality TV, and cozy video games.