Gandalf outwits a sunbeam ~ photo Bruce Walker

Caturday — January 8, 2022

Chasing the light

Bruce Walker
Published in
Jan 8, 2022


On one cold day in March 2013 Gandalf discovered that sunlight reflected by the silvered side of an IKEA plastic placemat would form a bright and mysterious creature that slithered and squirmed across the walls of the dining room just as his support staff were eating their lunch.

This creature required close observation to determine its friendliness — or foeliness — before deciding on his course of action.

Gandalf chasing the light ~ photos Bruce Walker

After a few attempts to capture or scare off this elusive phantasm and on realizing that the creature did not fight back Gandalf concluded that this one could be considered merely neutral, thus harmless, and that his usual course of inaction was sufficient to deal with it.

While he patiently observed it, the creature vanished as suddenly as it had appeared. “As expected; case closed”, mused our very wise cat.

Gandalf analyzes the phenomenon ~ photo Bruce Walker



Bruce Walker

Photographer, recovering bourgeois, coffee lover & multidisciplinary geek. Photo-genre best described as “Erratica”. Social: