Taffy relaxes on Bruces’ knee. Photo by Louise Peacock

Caturday — Taffy, Lap Cat???

Louise Peacock


After 11 years …

So we adopted Taffy in Summer of 2011. Now finally, in 2022, Taffy has relaxed sufficiently to come and sit on our knees while we watch movies in the evening.

It seems to have started with us getting a new cat treat (Blue Buffalo). She never actually enjoyed any cat treats we had offered in the past, but for these ones — she is crazy.

We had been trying to entice her to join us in the evenings, but she always refused. Then, the new treats. Now, there is no stopping her.

Taffy relaxes with her chosen Big Cat. Photo by Louise Peacock
Taffy begins to nod off. Photo by Louise Peacock



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.