Taffy challenges me to a tube fight. Photo by Louise Peacock

Caturday with Taffy

In her tube

Louise Peacock
Published in
May 4, 2024


Taffy has a silly game she likes to play with me in her cat tube. She goes into the tube and rustles about noisily until I go over. Then she peers up at me challengingly and waves her paws at me. As soon as I take her up on it, she feigns disinterest with eyes closed.

Taffy pretending she has lost interest. Photo by Louise Peacock

I rattle the tube and she comes to life at once, hissing explosively, rushing to the tube entrance trying to nab my hand and looking mean. Note the airplane ears.

Taffy suddenly reactivates and begins to hiss and smack. Photo by Louise Peacock



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.