Dealing with Grief After the Loss of a Pet

Ten tips for getting through the first few days and weeks

Jennifer Dunne
Published in
7 min readSep 3, 2022


Image by author, via Canva. Photo background: Mikhail Nilov. Photo foreground: author.

We always think we have more time with our loved ones than we do. That includes pets.

What do you do when this loving being that has been at your side every day for years is suddenly no longer there? Society understands grief at the death of a spouse, a parent, or a child. But society’s attitude toward pet loss is “get over it and get another one”.

That’s not helpful for the grieving pet owner. Here are ten tips that can help you through the first few days and weeks of your grief.

1. Acknowledge That the Pain Is Real

You’ve shared your life with this being for years. They depended on you for all their needs, just like a child. In return, they gave you unconditional love. (Even cats — their love is unconditional, even if their approval is not.)

You can’t simply pretend that doesn’t hurt. Even if you’re grateful that your pet is no longer suffering, it hurts that they’re no longer with you.

As I wrote in my book, “ROAR: Overcoming Obstacles in 3 Simple Steps,” before you can change anything, you have to accept the reality of your current situation. Your pet is gone. And that is painful.



Jennifer Dunne

I help visionaries create real change in the world. 90-day Vision to Reality™️ program. For the serious stuff visit