Dear Cats, We need to talk…

My Cats are driving me crazy with these five habits

Nancy Parish


Hermione Granger gettin comfortable / photo courtesy of Author

I love my cats. I really do. I think I’ve reached ailuorophile status regarding the adoration I hold for my cats. That’s how much I love them. They enrich my life in ways I’d never considered before adopting them.

However, some things drive me crazy. I guess it’s like a spouse leaving the toilet seat up or leaving the cap off the toothpaste. There are little annoyances that happen almost every day. And because they happen every day, they have ceased to be cute.

I’m sure fellow cat fanciers can agree.

They each have their favorite litter box — it’s the same one.

I care about the health of my cats. That means taking an interest in the urinary health of my cats. Experts, veterinarians, and whatever have suggested that you should have a litter box available for each of your cats. I have three cats so I naturally have three litter boxes.

That doesn’t matter.

They line up waiting to use that one box like it’s intermission at a Taylor Swift concert (I know, I know she didn’t have an intermission at the Eras tour. Stay with me) and there’s only one stall working in the ladies' restroom.



Nancy Parish

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail.