Hi! I’m Melanie

Meet your next favorite tortie:)

Hannah Smith
3 min readOct 16, 2022


This is me (Melanie) — Photo Provided by Author

Hey everyone! I just wanted to take a quick minute to introduce myself on here. My mom, Hannah, writes on here, but I stole her computer so I can write too!

My name is Melanie and I am about 7 years old. We don’t know my exact birthday because I was a rescue. I am also called a “Dilute Tortoiseshell Cat.” That means I’m basically the same as a regular tortie, but I just have a lighter coat.

I am smaller than other cats, or at least that’s what my mom thinks. She always says that I was probably the “runt” of the litter (huh?). Anyway, I may be small in size but I have a big personality!

Some of my hobbies include waking up my mom when she’s trying to sleep, complaining how I have no food in my bowl even if I do, and jumping all over the furniture when I’m not supposed to. I also love sleeping, but I mean, who doesn’t?

Here is a picture of me as a baby (below)! This was my first trip to the torture chamber, or what my mom would call “the vet.”

Me as a wittle baby at the “vet” (torture chamber) — Photo Provided by Author

Sometimes I like to scare my mom and disappear overnight, but then she gets mad, so I have learned that it’s not a good idea to do that.

I don’t like dogs or other cats really, except Julius, who is the other cat that lives with us. He is fat and old (don’t tell him I said that though)! I also don’t prefer other people other than my mom, but I can tolerate them. My mom has said that I have gotten a lot better over the years though, so that’s good I guess.

That’s pretty much it about me, but I’m sure my mom will write more ridiculous stuff about me soon.

Anyway, I have some more photos of me below because I think I’m cute and my mom tells me I am so, yeah.

This is me in my favorite bowl. — Photo Provided by Author
My mom forced me to put these on, but I kinda look cool! — Photo Provided by Author
My mom takes pictures of me when I’m sleeping (weird!) and I thought I actually looked good in this. — Photo Provided by Author

Thanks for reading! Let me know If I should steal my mom’s computer again and write some more! Also, you should totally follow my mom! She’s pretty cool :)



Hannah Smith

Student. Animal Lover. Coffee First. Writing about whatever I’m interested in and personal experiences! https://hannahkatewrites.com