How Do You Mend A Cat’s Broken Heart?

The person who shot Buddy with an air rifle has no idea of the chain reaction of hurt, disappointment and sorrow he’s caused. Of course, he doesn’t care either.

Deborah Camp
Published in
5 min readJun 14, 2022


Author’s photo of Buddy cat, with his blue cast.
Buddy photo by Deborah Camp

Seven weeks ago a scumbag shot our Buddy cat with an air rifle. I’m about 99.9% sure who the culprit is, but there’s this little thing call proof.

I can’t prove it, but from what I do know, coupled with simple logic and logistics, there’s little chance anyone else besides this particular neighbor did it.

I’m still seething with anger, overflowing with sadness, and basking in naked hatred. Yeah, I said it. If I could take a ball peen hammer to this guy’s kneecaps I’d work him over like a scab who crossed a union picket line.

I’d do it in a heartbeat and sleep like a baby that night.

It’s been weeks of torment for the little guy. Two procedures, two different casts, pain meds, and struggles with using the litter box and navigating the steps to reach his favorite napping spots.

For us it’s meant a few thousand dollars and the meter is still running. It’s been sleepless nights with Buddy’s scratching at the litter box…



Deborah Camp

Award-winning writer/editor/columnist w/Masters in Anthropology & in Internat'l Relations. Topics: business, politics, humor, pets, etc