How I Tamed My Furniture-Scratching Cat: My Journey with Giuseppe

Ciara Romano
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2023
How to stop your cat from scratching your carpet and furniture!

Hello fellow cat lovers! I’m Ciara, a 25-year-old cat mom living in a cozy little apartment with my beloved Bombay cat, Giuseppe. Giuseppe is a mischievous little furball, always getting into all sorts of trouble and causing chaos wherever he goes.

Despite his naughty ways, I absolutely adore Giuseppe and couldn’t imagine life without him. However, there was a time when I faced a problem with Giuseppe that I wasn’t sure how to solve.

It all started when Giuseppe started scratching up my furniture. Now, I know that scratching is a natural behavior for cats and it’s important for them to have a designated scratching post. But no matter how many scratching posts I provided for Giuseppe, he just couldn’t resist the temptation of my couch, chairs, and even my rug.

I tried everything to stop Giuseppe’s scratching behavior — I tried covering my furniture with sticky tape, I tried using scratching deterrent sprays, and I even tried trimming his claws. But nothing seemed to work. I was at my wit’s end and I didn’t know what to do.

Finally, after much trial and error, I stumbled upon a solution that actually worked. I invested in a sturdy scratching post covered in rough, durable sisal material, and I placed it in an area of the apartment that Giuseppe frequented. I also made sure to praise and reward Giuseppe every time he used the scratching post instead of my furniture.

It took some time and patience, but eventually Giuseppe got the hang of using his scratching post and stopped scratching up my furniture. I was so relieved and grateful to have finally found a solution to this problem.

Now, Giuseppe is a happy and well-behaved cat, and my furniture is safe from his claws. It just goes to show that with a little perseverance and some trial and error, even the most challenging problems can be solved.

So, if you’re a cat parent facing a similar problem with your furry friend, don’t give up! Keep trying different solutions and eventually you’ll find the one that works for you and your beloved cat.

Written by: Ciara Romano



Ciara Romano

I'm extremely passionate about modern technology and SciFi! Join me on my adventures!