I Bought a Chicken Coop for My Cat

This is how it is going

Zara B


Picture of a Bengal cat sitting, in front of a cat house
Photo of Author’s Cat, Bijoux, in front of her very own “cat house”

I recently moved into the basement. The arrangement was to transition our family cat, Bijoux, into the basement as well.

Prior to that, Bijoux ruled the whole of one big room all by herself. Since we adopted her, we trained her to be comfortable with sleeping alone. She had the option to sleep on a queen sized bed if she so chose. I also equipped her with a heated mat, and a cat bed. Bijoux truly made her choice without hesitation every night about where she felt like sleeping.

When the big transition was about to happen, I knew that I would have to somehow make her comfortable with sleeping in the additional family room that we were soon about to have. I was secretly opposed to that idea, though, because to me, it felt like a big, dark and lonely space. There was nothing warm about the idea when I replayed it in my head.

For days, I sat on it, beating myself up to come up with a solution. I have finally decided to use a big pet playpen as her “room” or sleeping area rather. What made me hesitant to go forward with it was the fact that although Bijoux is not into the habit of waking up at night for food, or to use the litter, I honestly felt like I would be depriving her of that freedom.



Zara B

Student of life — Big on reflection and creating an impact — Passionate about helping people and sharing my wisdom — Also a cat mom