Gandalf, The Grey. Photo by Louise Peacock

June 2023 Mews

Some Updates for the Peeps

Louise Peacock
Published in
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2 min readJun 26, 2023


We apologise for any recent delays in responding to emails, requests to be added as a writer, or stories submitted.

On June the first, Louise, half the Catness editorial team, suffered a stroke, and has been trying to get back full mobility. Bruce, spouse to Louise and the other half of the Catness editorial team has been trying keep the home fires burning as well as tend to Catness.

Editor Bruce with an armload of kitties (Taffy and Gandalf). Photo by Louise Peacock.

Anyway, as a result, things may get sluggish around here for a bit.

We love to get your stories, photos and poems. But (yes, there is a “but”), we would greatly appreciate if you will follow the submission guidelines, because we really hate to hassle you to change your submission, or in extreme cases, to turn it down. (These remarks are directed to the very few Catness writers that sometimes forget the guidelines.)

So, in summary, Catness does not accept anything that is not a strictly personal poem or story (or fiction). There are plenty of publications on Medium that would work for those other types of article. For example, our friend and Catness writer Beth Bach, is currently working on a new cat related publication, that might work for other types of story.

Just a friendly reminder from one of the editors.

Editor Louise, dressed as a revolutionary for a mythical South American town. Photo by Bruce M. Walker

Hoping that the next Mews will see all editorial staff bushy tailed, beady eyed and in full health.

Moe (RIP). Photo by Louise Peacock.



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.