Let Me Continue That Story About Cats

Published in
6 min readMay 27, 2023

This is the sequel to the story about cats I told last time. All of the images are generated using AI.


I. The Island

Milo mewoed the land in front of them. Oat got up. This island seems like an adventure to me… He wasn’t wrong. He was more than right…

After all of the cats munched a breakfast together, they went to shore. The first thing that caught their attention was a big cathedral between the clouds of the island.


We will start an exploring mission to that cathedral. And that was what the furry friends had to do, but, first, they needed to pack some food and resources. McCat handled that with no problem and after a few hours of getting ready, the cats started sprinting to the cathedral.

II. The Gloomy Cathedral

Just a little longer. It is hard to climb an island, even if you are a cat.

The cats finally got there. The sun was setting. The front door of the cathedral was not a door. It seemed to be a door from far away, but when you got there, there was no door, but only a big piece of stone. Weird…

The cats decided to just set up camp and try their luck tomorrow. Oreo just heated up some milk at a small campfire and all of them dipped oreos in the milk. All the cats purred their way to the dream world.


The next morning McCat, Milo and Oat woke up to see no trace of Oreo anywhere. They got scared and started searching the area, but Oreo was just up ahead staring at the big door. It took a while for them to pack up the camp and discover the secret of the door: They searched for a few hours and then gave up. Right when they started heading home, the door broke open revealing a big hallway leading into darkness…

The cats grabbed their bags and went right in. There were a lot of spiders on the hall walls, but after some big efforts of passing through cobwebs, they encountered something strange: a big wall that blocked their way. It was too late to give up so the cats had to just wait there to sleep to regain their energy if they wanted to get out. Right when they were about to start setting up camp, Milo saw a trapdoor in the dusty floor. All the cats needed to push really hard to open the door.

The door cried when opened, revealing what seemed like a room full with water. The cats got on their diving gear and jumped in the pitch dark.



This may sound dumb, but water is so wet… I don’t know how the other cats can handle this…

The cats were swimming in a big room with a lot of ruins submerged in water. The ruins seemed old, but that was a really cool view. The cats just stared into the view for a few seconds: There was a big tower that was blue and in the center of the ruins. There were more smaller structures of different colours on both sides. There seemed to be a dock, neglecting the fact that that the ruin was submerged underwater. To the right, there was a big red tower. In the middle, the blue tower was symmetrical. It had a big gorgeous balcony in the middle. Birds made out of stone seemed to fly everywhere and in the middle, close to the top of the building, there was a thing that looked oddly similar to a spot designed to hold a big clock. If you think about it, this really looked like the Big Ben, but how did it get here, in the middle of the ocean? I think that this was London. After The Great Flood, the whole British Island sank and the biggest parts reunited together underwater. The people that survived built a fake island on top of the ruins and a temple as a tribute, but when they were forced to leave, this remained…Oat shared his theory with the other cats and this seemed to be the most convincing one yet.


That’s when they spotted the man swimming towards them. Oreo panicked, but the rest of the team knew that they had no reason to fear yet, and, if the humans were to do something, it was way to late to run anyways. He had superior swimming gear and was bigger.

The human approached the cats and pointed to the balcony of The Blue Tower. Maybe he wants to show us the view?The man points again towards the balcony. It really seems like he wants us to swim towards there, but this may be a trap. The cats follow Oat and the human. All of them swim to the balcony. The balcony had a pocket of air where the human and the cats took their mask off.

Who are you? When did cats start to swim? How did you get in here? How do you get out of here?”. The human was bombarding the cats with questions. Oat explained to the human the idea for an adventure and how they got here. The human tells them the horror discovery that he made: there is no way out of here. The cats rush to the trapdoor, but even with the help of the human, there was no chance they could open that door.

The cats set up camp in the balcony. All the cats were hungry. As a last resort, because they had no food, they just ordered food from Oreo’s phone and when their bean salads arrived, they realised something. If their order arrived, there had to be a way out of here. And they saw the way out: a broken piece of the ceiling. While racing to the surface, they saw it: a giant octopus looking angry…


It was man versus octopus. They were however glad that the fight was happening in an air bubble. That is when McCat just got eaten by the octopus…

To be continued…

This was very hard to make. The next part of the story will come out in about five days from now. Thank you all for reading!





I own a space agency called CATSA. And I dream.