Little Cow and Me: How my Roommate’s Cat Brought Levity and Light to a Dark Heavy Year

Clyde infused our lives with joy, while filling our rooms with copious cat hairs

Eleni Stephanides


Photo by author

One night last year, I woke to the sound of the neighbors I share a wall with, well…in the act.

My first reaction was to pull the covers over my head. Try to ignore it.

Ten minutes later though, sleep had yet to pull me back into its warm restorative clutches. The more I tried to block out the noise, the louder it seemed to become.

Knowing that in seven hours I’d need to be awake to interpret a surgery, my mind began to race.

Take slow steady breaths, I told myself. I attempted to meditate. I practiced all the tips I knew on getting back to sleep once woken up.

As the worried thoughts continued racing, the black and white cat ball in repose between my legs stirred. Usually Clyde slept with his owner, but that night she was out of town.

What he chose to do next, I’ll always remember and be forever grateful for.

As if hearing my call, he uncurled himself from rolly-polly position. Then slowly he moved his way up towards the ear that was absorbing the majority of the s** noise. Once there he…



Eleni Stephanides

LGBTQ+ writer and Spanish interpreter who enjoys wandering through nature, reading fiction and mental health content, speaking Spanish, and petting cats.