My Cats And The Department of Lost Things

Retrieval Division

Nancy Parish


My blind cat Scout holding her puff which was retrieved for her by a member of the Lost Items Department-Retrieval Division
Scout and her puff / Photo courtesy of the Author

Your cat stands in front of the refrigerator, stove, or any large appliance and meows. You think they’ve trapped a critter under there and are bragging about their predatory skills.

You get down on all fours, only to find a catnip mouse, pop top, or twist tie. It’s not any ordinary item to the cat. That item has become its most beloved toy of the moment. They are now relying on you to retrieve the lost item for them so their shenanigans can continue.

Sound familiar?

Most pet owners work in the Department of Lost Things — Retrieval Division, fetching lost items that have become keepsakes for our furry companions. Someone posted a meme after they moved their couch and found dozens of toys left under it.

I have to admit, the underbelly of my couch looks similar. Random items are scattered everywhere. Toy sweeps like the ones in the meme happen every month at my house. I move the sofa aside, collect the toys, wipe the dust off, and add them to the toy basket only to do the same thing the next month.

That’s the assignment when you work for the Department of Lost Things — Retrieval Division.

Sometimes, my blind cat, Scout, knocks her favorite toy under the stove and cries until I retrieve it for…



Nancy Parish

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail.