Oh, Big Stretch!

Sleeping cats writing prompt

Lyndz Cay
1 min readAug 24, 2022


Photo by author

When we humans adopt a cat, is there a software update that goes on in our brains?

I’m referring to the phrase, “Oh, big stretch!” Once we humans adopt a cat, we utter this phrase near-daily. I have to wonder, does bringing a cat home auto-insert those three words into our “Commonly Used Phrases” file? Are our eyes reprogrammed to watch for the start of any stretch? Are we unable to resist narrating our furry friends as they exhibit a stretching skill we can only dream to achieve?

How wonderful, then, that my contribution to the “sleeping cats writing prompt” is a picture of my Goose in maximum stretch mode. This isn’t a quick stretch he did between naps. Goose stayed in this position for several minutes, if not over an hour. I pondered if he was comfortable at full extension for so long, or was he just oblivious?

Well, he’s young. His body can take a little discomfort. My middle age body would creak for weeks if I tried to accomplish the same. Guess I’ll remain jealous of his furry capabilities.



Lyndz Cay
Writer for

Animal behavior, training, and welfare professional. Cat fanatic. Repository of useless facts.