Saying Goodbye to Scooter and Frankie

My house is a little emptier

2 min readDec 19, 2022


Scooter in my fuzzy chair (Author’s Photo)

If you’ve followed the story of my cats, you know that I got Scooter around Thanksgiving 2021, and that, for my cat Fat Zombie, it was hate at first sight. They fought every day, and Scooter always had the scratches on his nose to prove it.

Frankie showed up this summer. All my cats except one loved her right away. She and Scooter quickly became best friends.

Fast forward to yesterday. I was packing my stuff, feeling sad and overwhelmed, and thinking about the tiny little space I’m moving into. And I pictured Fat Zombie and Scooter together in that space. Scooter would have nowhere to hide. I decided I needed to rehome Scooter. It would be in his best interest.

Look at his poor nose. It often looked far worse (Author’s Photo)

But I couldn’t bear to separate him and Frankie.

I put out a plea on Facebook, complete with pictures of the two of them. The truth is, I didn’t expect to find a home for them. They’re full grown cats. But within minutes, my friend James messaged me. “I’ll take the kitties,” he said.

James’s stepdaughters have been asking for a cat. He said no, but then saw my Facebook post. He’s going to give the Elf on the Shelf credit for bringing the cats.

Frankie will warm up to her new family right away. Scooter is less predictable. When I took him to Thanksgiving last year, he visited each of my relatives in turn and demanded attention. But he hasn’t been that outgoing since, so there’s no telling how long it will take him to want to sit on James’s lap.

Frankie (Author’s Photo)

The scratches on Scooter’s nose are going to heal. Any new scratches will come from play, not fighting. The whole house will belong to him and Frankie — there won’t be any Fat Zombies prowling around, looking for a fight. So even though I’m sad, I know that Scooter’s life will be better with James than it would be with me in my new space.




high school English teacher, cat nerd, owner of Grading with Crayon, and author of Biddleborn.