Seven Weird and WondrousThings I Do Because I’m A Cat Mom

The cats are worth all of it

Nancy Parish


Scout on box / Photo courtesy of Author

Being a cat mom has been a life-long endeavor of mine. I love cats. We have a symbiotic relationship that I cannot explain. They tolerate me. I adore and therefore lavish attention on them.

Through the years, I’ve realized that I often consider how my cats will react before I make decisions or do some of the things I do.

1. I leave the television on so that my blind cat won’t freak out.

If I leave for just a few hours, I often leave my television on so my cats won’t get bored. I work from home and sometimes keep the television on for the background noise. I think my cats have gotten used to the sound so I leave it on so they won’t get bored and so they miss me less.

I mainly do this for Scout. She’s blind and although I tell her when I’m leaving, I worry she’ll look for me and get scared when she can’t find me. So the television stays on.

2. I have a plan for them before I go out at night.

When I go out for dinner or to meet friends, I always leave a light on for my cats. I read somewhere that although cats can see better than humans at night, they can’t see everything in…



Nancy Parish

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail.