Spending Special Moments With My Cats

Those are my favorite memories

Nancy Parish


Pre-shenanigans with Lucky and Bailey / Photo courtesy of the Author

I’ve been a cat mom for quite some time. I’ve loved each of the cats I’ve adopted and cared for through the years. Each one’s purrsonality was as different as their beautiful coats of fur. No two relationships were the same either. It’s the little moments with each one that I cherish.

Nicky was the first cat I adopted when I was an adult. In the beginning, I was quite clueless about caring for her. I grew up with a cat. My folks always took care of the important stuff like veterinarian appointments and food selection while I was in it for the snuggles and the playtime.

With Nicky, I became a responsible cat owner. She taught me how special a relationship with a cat could be. When I returned home from work each day, she would run down the hall and jump into my arms. She’d then nudge my shoulder and purr in my ear. That was the best greeting I’d ever had.

Sometimes, I’d open the door to leave and she’d dart out between my legs. It made me wonder if those amazing greetings were failed escape attempts. I don’t think she wanted to live outside on her own. But being a cat with an innately curious nature, her curiosity sometimes got the best of her and she needed to explore what was on the other side of that door.

Emotional Support Cat



Nancy Parish

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail. https://thesoundandfurry.com/