Shadow, our new adoption, staring at me from a safe distance. Photo by Louise Peacock

Spring Mews and Views

Special edition — March 7, 2023

Louise Peacock
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2 min readMar 8, 2023


You may recall your Mothers telling you that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions? Well, they were right. My good intentions were to produce a Mewsletter three — four times a year. I only managed to get two done in 2022, and reason was extremely ill health.

However, it is 2023 and I have great Mews for you right now.

Last week I was invited to take part in a Podcast hosted by Edinburgh (Scotland) based @Ewan Spence. The podcast is Ewans’ new cat-based podcast “My Cat’s Tale”. It’s a show full of stories about peoples’ cats, what they are like, who they love, where they came from, and more. Ewan invited me to chat about Shadow and Taffy and some of our other cats.

This was pretty exciting, and I was delighted to accept.

Ewan Spence is a fellow Medium member, a new Catness writer and of course, a cat lover, and he came across Catness in his readings.

Just posted, our interview with Ewan is available to Catness (and anyone else too) at four places:

Tubby grey cat. Computer artwork by Louise Peacock

About “My Cat’s Tale”

“My Cat’s Tale” is available in all of the major podcast directories and apps (including the big three of Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts). Ewan is also looking to get some of the shows aired on Digital Radio in the UK in the autumn. It is also available on YouTube at

Ewan has a short trailer of the first three episodes so you can quickly get a feel for the show. It’s at; and you can find a list of all the published episodes at

Note to Catness writers

If you would like to be interviewed on “My Cat’s Tale”, please feel free to contact Ewan at this email: and you can visit the main website at:



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.