Stephen King and I Have Something in Common

HUEY, NO! heads for success.

Karen Schwartz


HUEY, NO! A fun, interactive children’s picture book about the author’s hilarious kitten — photo by the author’s daughter

Stephen King once said, “I wrote a book.” Now, I can say the same. “My books have won awards.” Stephen mused. My newly published children’s picture book, HUEY, NO! stands patiently in line.

The day started as normally as any other. I checked the stove for unwanted heat and double-checked the front door, ensuring I had locked it — all ordinary signs of aging. Next, I headed to work, leaving behind a pet-less condo that, within hours, would never feel lonely again.

My workday felt short as I entered the shelter and met Huey, a twelve-week-old tuxedo rescue kitten; noticing how well we meshed as he melted in my arms. That day of innocence was short-lived once Huey came home. This adorable, mischievous feline had anything but lazing around on his mind.

Huey comes home — Author’s photo

From emptying full tissue boxes to unravelling toilet paper rolls, Huey was just getting started. No cupboard or appliance was safe without checking inside for a furry visitor.



Karen Schwartz

Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.