Teaching Your Kitten How to Use The Litter Box

Saqib Ali
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2020
Image taken from Unsplash

Kittens are one of the most loved pets all around the world. But kittens can make a great mess if not properly litter trained. Hygiene is a necessity for both you and your pet. Litter training a kitten should be done as soon as you bring it to its new home.

So let’s dig in, shall we?

Litter Training A Kitten Essentials

Before you bring home your new companion, you must be fully prepared to start litter training your kitten. Few things that you will need are:

  • A litter box
  • Enzymatic cleaner
  • treats/toys (optional)

How to Train Kittens to the Litter box?

Litter training a kitten is a very simple process, they learn way before a baby can be potty trained and you don’t even need to wipe their butts. Litter training a kitten is easy and kittens learn fast especially when compared to full-grown cats living outdoors.

The Litter Box

What kind of litter box?

The size of the litter box should be according to the size of the kitten. It shouldn’t be too high making it difficult for those tiny paws to jump in but shallow enough. The filling of the litter box should not harm the kitten in any way. Adult cats love clumping litter, but it is harmful to your kitten, in case it ingests the litter or inhales the odor.

Best fillings are natural pellet based litters, free from any fragrances or toxicants which are harmful to your kitten. As your kitten grows you need to make your litter box bigger. A shallow litter box is recommended for old cats who might have joint stiffness depriving them of jumping high. Outdoor cat litter training box is completely different than indoor cats. For outdoor cats, litter boxes should be filled with natural soil and placed in an open-air. Make sure to replace the soil frequently.

Where to Place the Litter Box?

The litter box should be placed at a place that’s neither too difficult to find nor too open. Even your kitty needs privacy. Find a place that’s a little quiet and away from the entrance or a hallway. If you have more than one cat or have any other pets make sure there is an entrance and escape route. If you’re training a new kitten, keep the kitten confined in a room with an easily accessible litter box for a few days till it develops a habit.

How many Litter Boxes?

The number should be dependent on the number of cats you own. They do not like to share their and often use one to poop and one to pee. If you have two kittens then you should at least have 2 or 3 litter boxes. And if you have more than one floor then every floor should have a litter box for all your cats.

When to start litter training a kitten?

If you bring home a kitten of 3 weeks or more of age, then take it directly to the litter box and try to confine the kitten in that room for a few days and after this do not change the place of that litter box. Leave the kitten in the litter box, it might jump out back immediately but put it back in again. Give your kitty some space to explore and sniff around, if you don’t see it digging gently hold its front paws and dig 1 or 2 times, they are fast learners and will take the hint.

You need to watch your kitten and observe its behavior and timings to go poop. Place your kitten in the litter box right after it wakes up, after every meal, and after playtime.

Accidents Happen!

Be sure not to stress out your kitten during training. If it poops outside the litter box do not shout at it causing the poor soul to associate negativity with litter training. Instead, but gently place it in the litter box, clean the place immediately to prevent any bad odor from accumulating in the room. If the kitten poops in the litter box then reward your little kitten with a treat or a toy to encourage this behavior.

If the kitten still poops outside the litter box then change the litter because it might not be comfortable for your kitten or maybe it’s not clean enough. If the issue persists then consult your vet for guidance.

Keep It Clean

Cleaning frequency should be consistent and regular to avoid foul smell at home and for the sake of hygiene of your kittens. Change the litter when it stops absorbing the fecal matter. Clean the litter box with a mixture of vinegar and water, avoid any other cleaning chemical.



Saqib Ali
Writer for

A pharmacist who loves to write and loves animals. Check out my animal blog www.scribbledbook.com