The Cat and The Currawong

a. a. gallagher
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2021


And lots of mice...

Image by Stephen Tafra on Unsplash

Only this morning I heard this hysterical, yet quite cunning story.

My friend has a really great little cat called Zuki, who excels in the catching of mice. She is a fairly recent rescue cat who has taken a couple of months to settle into her new home but has now to her credit, become a fully-fledged mouse-catcher.

Brilliant in fact, she reduces the mouse population by at least one mouse a day!

With the ongoing current mouse plague ravaging Australia, Zuki has been in mouse heaven catching and killing the little blighters and then depositing them at her master’s exterior verandah door as little love gifts.

Well as is usual her master checks his verandah door each morning to see whether there are any more love gifts; and let’s face you cannot beat a dead rodent as a deep sign, token if you will, of love and affection.

This particular morning Daniel opens his verandah door and there lies a mouse; dead of course, so off he goes to get the dustpan and brush to dispose of this sad little carcass. He returns with the implements of removal when he sees to his consternation, that the mouse body has gone. It is no longer visible.

He looks everywhere but the mouse has completely disappeared. He definitely knew it to be dead, and also…



a. a. gallagher

Thank you for reading & following. I love a jolly good story: I write short stories, enviro. poetry, and kids’ rhymes. Prev. Education includes a. Dip. S.R.M.