The Cat From Heck?

Brian Dickens Barrabee
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2023


When I was first shown a picture of the Amazonian Snake Cat, I said “WOW!”

I didn’t know a creature could look like that.


Photo of a Twitter shot of the exotic Amazonian Snake Cat by Author

If you’re a cat lover, you’ll do a double take on the feline that’s got all felinologists talking. The Serpens Catus (snake cat) was reported to have been only recently discovered (2020). The odd cross-species moniker is due to the pattern of yellow, blue and black markings similar to a serpent.The cat’s habitat is so remote that scientists have only penetrated the difficult to reach areas where the Amazon Snake Cat (ASC) resides. They are reputed to feed almost exclusively on monkey meat and small rodents . Larger than an American domestic, the ASC can weigh up to 56 pounds.

Why is this beautiful creature with the strange name not listed in the data base of species names?

Why does ABC News report that Drexel University postdoctoral researcher Lukas J. Musher wrote when questioned by to share his expertise on this exotic cat, “There are many beautiful South American felines but none look like this.”

He went on to add, “The alleged scientific name for the animal doesn’t appear to be real. The Information System which is a U S federal database of species’…



Brian Dickens Barrabee

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.