The Cats In Our Lives (2)

Black cat is also fortunate

Vida Lu


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Follow up on the previous article. This black cat was born during the epidemic. Fortunately, she survives. But I don’t understand why she stayed with each household briefly. Her owner has switched twice, and she’s currently on her own. I thought I’d adopt her and become her best friend. It wouldn’t have to be alone.

She is a kitty friend indeed. Every morning, she will sit on the bed, watch you wake up, and then join you for breakfast. When she notices that I haven’t left the house, she will stand at the clock and shout to me. As if to remind me that I’ll be late to work. When I open the door at night, she rushes in to welcome me home.

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One weekend, I hung out with my friends at night and didn’t return home till the next morning. When the door opened, I saw her leap down from the sofa and rush to me. She was nagging at me ceaselessly, looking at me accusingly. “I waited for you all night, and you didn’t come home until now.” At that time, I felt like I had an extra member of my family rather than a friend.

My friends sometimes visit me, and she usually goes to her cat nest and doesn’t disturb us. But once a…

