The Common Health Problems Of a Cat

It doesn't matter what cat breed you own.

5 min readOct 23, 2021


Image by Kiều Trường from Pixabay

There are some common health problems a human must have before the end of his or her lifetime. These diseases are way too common for us to avoid, such diseases can include back pain, cancer, obesity, blood pressure and so on. Just like us, our cats are also bound to have some certain illness in their life. It doesn’t matter what cat breed you own, one of the following feline health problems must be associated with your kitty and it is your responsibility as the parent to recognize these diseases, their symptoms, signs and to know if it is a minor or major illness before seeking the help of a Vet.

1. Worms.

Just like humans, a cat cannot do without having a worm in its intestine. Worms such as tapeworm, ringworm, hookworm are the common worms that infect a cat. The most common symptom associated with worms is weight loss, if your cat is struggling with gaining weight then you should have your vet test your feline for worms. Worms can be easily treated with medication and if overlooked can cause fatal damage to your feline health, therefore it is your responsibility to pay attention to it. Another very important cause of worms in a cat is fleas, make sure your cat is free from fleas before tackling worms infection.

2. Hairball.

Hairball, a wonderful gift from a feline every once in a while. Cats keep themselves clean by self-grooming (licking their coat or body) and swallowing loose hair during this process. Usually, during this process, the loose hair passes through the stomach and digestive system and is passed out in their stool. In some cases, the hairs accumulate and form a shape more or less like a ball, obstructing the digestive system instead of passing out with ease. What a cat will normally do is cough out this hairball preventing them from entering into its intestine and causing a blockage. Even though cat owners find this a little bit disgusting, it is completely normal and fine for a feline.

In some cases which is usually rare, a hairball can pass through a cat intestine and cause a blockage, which could be a life-threatening problem for a feline. It is your responsibility as a cat owner to help your cat with its hairball and if notice any form of distress in your cat, constipation, consistent or repeated gaggling with no sign of hairball, then you should visit a vet with immediate effect.

3. Urinary Tract Infection or disease.

The main reason why neutering a cat is good is to avoid certain unwanted diseases like urinary tract disease. This disease is common in cats, especially male ones. While most cats may easily get cured of this disease by the use of antibiotics, some cats will need surgery if there are blockages and bladder stones. Only a few percentages of felines ever get a blockage. If your cat finds it very difficult using its litterbox, urinating frequently or outside its litterbox, excessive licking of its genital part or changes in its litter habit, then there is a sign your cat might have a urinary tract infection. If you notice your cat has a urinary infection or changes in your cat urine or smell, then it is time for you to visit your Vet. Your vet can treat the disease easily for you with medications and give you a certain recommendation to avoid this problem in the future.

4. Feline Leukaemia

Feline leukaemia is one of the leading major causes of death in a cat. The good news is that they are vaccines that can cure this disease easily and a cat can also fight this disease on its own. The sad news on the other way round is that this disease can be transmitted easily from one feline to another. The disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted easily through cat saliva, grooming and fighting in cats. If you know your cat has this disease, then you should never allow any cat get to get closer to it or allow your cat to get closer to an infected one. Feline leukaemia is a disease that is only common in cats and cannot be transmitted to other creatures like dogs or even humans.

To keep our cat safe from this disease, you should always make sure your cat vaccination is up to date by visiting the vet for regular checkups. You should also remember to keep your cat indoors always as indoor cats are always at a lower risk of getting contagious with this disease.

5. Diarrhoea

Feline health can be easily known from their poop. Diarrhoea is a common illness in a cat that reveal or show a sign of other diseases, even though it can come and go very quickly, sometimes it may last for a very long time or return on regular basis. The major cause of diarrhoea in cats is diet, a poor quality diet with unhealthy items or sudden change in a cat diet cat can cause diarrhoea in cats. Another cause of diarrhoea may include worms, intestine tumours, bacteria or a major organ disease like the liver.

If you notice diarrhoea in your cat that last for a day or two or is associated with other illness like vomiting or fever, then you should call or visit your vet immediately.

6. Obesity

If obesity is bad for humans, so it is for cats. Obesity can shorten a cat life and prone a cat too many unwanted diseases. Obesity is a major health problem in a cat but is often overlooked by pet owners. If your cat is obese or you find it difficult to recognize obesity in your cat, then you should seek the assistance of a vet. One of the major reasons for overweight in cats or obesity is overfeeding or simply put as overconsumption of calories. A cat that is restricted from play or exercise might be at a greater risk of gaining weight, age factors also matter since cats have less energy as they grow older. It is the responsibility of every cat owner to watch out for obesity in their cats as this disease is a key that prone cats to many unwanted diseases.

Don’t hesitate to contact your vet for tips on how to make your cat healthy and free from minor or major diseases.

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Cat and relationship writer. Remember to pray for money, love and a kitten.