The Tale About Oat, Oreo, Milo and McCat continues!

Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2023

Thank you all for the support on the series. As always, all the images are generated with AI.



The octopus ate McCat in a fraction of a second. All of the cats got scared and started swimming in different directions. However, Oat told the cats that it was sad to let McCat die without trying to save him. All the cats remained calm and started swimming in circles around the octopus. The octopus was not expecting that so that diverted the her attention; that is when the Human striked. He implanted a spear deep into the octopus. The sound that the octopus made was heard everywhere in the world. After a lot of bleeding, the octopus ended her life. McCat now made his way to the cat group.The cats could now swim back to the surface.



The cats escaped the octopus and got on the boat with the human. This was creepy and an adventure. We need to have fun, but this was a lot. I think that for now, this was too much. Let’s head towards The Grey City…

The cats sailed smoothly for a few days until that storm I was talking about earlier came. The cats were finishing dinner when the sky got very dark, the sea seemed to fight against the boat. The rain started soon. This was a full-on thunderstorm.


It was hard to keep up with the storm, but the cats managed to fight against it for a while. The storm seemed to be ending, but that was when the final lightning struck. And it destroyed the boat, turning it into a small floating wood ruin. The cats had to settle on the boat and the human helped make a fire in the middle.

I think that it is the time to tell you guys about my secrets and who I am. I am Tobias, I’m 14 and this is my story. This is the kind of story that you will understand better in reverse. Here we are, trapped in the middle of the ruins… You cats are about to come. Five days before this, I discovered this island and swam to shore to save myself. I had fresh water and fruits here. I wanted to relax, accumulate resources and build a raft. I wanted to put my food and water on the raft and try my best at sailing to civilisation. That is when curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to see what was inside the temple and, when I made my way there, I got stuck underwater. Thanks to you, I escaped. But how did I get to the island in the first place? How did I get here? Well, what happened was that, in short, I didn’t like what my parents did and how they were thinking. They lived on a big restaurant-ship with a lot of cats. How did they win their bread? I warn you, this is not okay for you little cats to hear, but they won their bread using this loop: customers were lured on the ship, they ate a lot of food that contained something called The Bad Oil and passed out. They were then taken, killed, cooked and passed on to the next customers. I was super sad about this, but my opinion didn’t matter. I was locked up in a cell. That is when a girl in a yellow raincoat approached. She killed my mother and destroyed the ship. I consider her a hero. That is when I made my move: I jumped into the water and came here…”

This story was really horror. All the cats ended up going to sleep and having nightmares, but because they sleeped, they could not see what floated next to their boat for a few hours: It was The Maw in its decaying form.

The next day, the cats arrived to a big forest.


Tobias and the cats got into the forest. It was a little warm for the cats that had fur all over them. All of this seems weird. The island, the forest, his story. His story seems really similar to the lore of that game I played on the CatStation4. Anyways, let’s try to find humans or cats that can get us some shelter.


Just after walking for a mile, they saw something in front of them: smoke. Smoke means people. The cats and Toby all leaped to what seemed to look like a big metal box. When the cats got there they saw what it was: it was the Oreo factory.

The factory was made up of two bits: the cone, where the cookies were made, and the HQ, where stuff like ads, promotions, branding and customer service was.


The story shifted in a different direction, but I like how it is going. Thank you for reading!




I own a space agency called CATSA. And I dream.