Three Ways I Know My Cats Love Me

If your cat does these things too, it’s love.

Nancy Parish


Harper giving me kitty snuggles /Courtesy of Author

I recently transitioned from working from home to a 9 to 5 job. After six years of working from home, I knew the transition would be difficult. I had no idea how my cats would handle it.

I have three cats. One of my cats is blind and is pretty independent but she does have her clingy moments. I was the most concerned with how she would take my being gone so long during the day.

My other two cats are settled into a routine. But I wondered how they would handle not being fed whenever they asked. Would they miss me while I was gone?

The time apart would also show me how my cats view me. Am I merely a caretaker or dare I say it, a servant, who provides them with their basic needs? Or do they view me as something more?

A cat mom.

There’s a meme I frequently see on the internet that says, “Dogs have owners, cats have staff.” It implies that cats rely on their humans to provide the bare necessities — food, and shelter and offer little in return.

I’m not sure that’s true. At least when it comes to my cats, I want to believe they rely on me for companionship, snuggles, and dare I say it, love.



Nancy Parish

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail.