Toy Story — My Cat’s Edition

How my blind kitty Scout chooses her favorite toys

Nancy Parish


Scout with her puffball / Photo courtesy of the author

I spoil my cats. I admit it. I like to buy them tons of toys and other things they probably don’t need. My recent purchases have included cat beds shaped like a giant cat head and a cat scratcher shaped like a television. You get the point.

I’ve noticed that my blind cat Scout has her favorites. She played with the antennae on the cat scratcher when I first bought it but hasn’t really touched it lately. She’s not interested in the soft cat bed. She leaves that to Harper to enjoy. She’d rather nap in a cardboard box from a certain online mega-retailer.

Scout goes through phases with toys

When she was a wee kitten, I taught Scout to fetch catnip mice that made a little noise when I shook them. She loved it. I’d shake the mouse and throw it as I said, “go get it, Scout.” She’d scamper off in hot pursuit. I found it incredible she picked up the skill so easily, add in the fact that she’s blind, and that made it even more amazing.

When she wanted to play fetch, she’d find one of the mice — I bought them in bulk as sometimes they’d lose their sound. She’d bring it to me by carrying it in her teeth. Then She’d drop it on the couch next to me. I’d shake it and throw it, sending her off in…



Nancy Parish

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail.