What Living With a Zen Master, a Cat, Has Taught Me

A brief story of just being

Carlos Chowell


Every morning I come down the stairs to find Luna laying on top of her cat tower. Sometimes she’s self-cleaning, others she’s curled up into a siesta. Always attentive, she looks up when she hears me.

Later in the day if she wants to be with me, Luna will calmly sit next to me quietly saying, “I’m here with my attention on you”. She offers an inobtrusive way of companionship, and she’s fully ok with me getting up and roaming the house for new chores to do.

I have noticed at any point she’s always herself. She plays, looks at me, roams around. She flows between companionship and solitude. And yet keeps her essence. She stays calm all the time. I slowly realized she is a Zen Master! She naturally conquers the art of just being.

In her silent presence, I have discovered a peace within. I would like to open this series of days with Luna. I would like to share what happens, what she does, and what I learn from her. I would be glad if you wanted to join me in discovering the ongoing lessons learned in the company of Luna.



Carlos Chowell
Writer for

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