Patricia O'Neill
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2024



The cattery boss's grandson helps Gran feed Tilly.

Folk who have previously read some of my more recent Catness stories will know I broke my thigh bone in May and have been sent pro-temp for respite care in a home.

My cat Tilly is currently in a cattery. I’ve been wondering how she’s adjusted. I didn’t request it but the lady who runs the cattery has sent me a photo of her grandson feeding my kitty. The cattery boss is agreeable to me sharing it provided I cropped her grandson’s face*. I think it’s a charming shot but I’m probably biased.

Tilly looks to be being patient for her. When I feed her it’s a case of she wants her food and she wants it now.

Were she writing this, Tilly would probably say that the main fact about the photo, cropped or not is that it shows HER. She looks contented which has put my mind at ease. I know it’s a reputable cattery and have used it before but when I’m at a distance I can’t help thinking about the kitty.

Tilly may not be building sandcastles on her vacation…or chasing “meeces” but she looks like she has a good billet.

*It’s understandable that people will be cautious about sharing family pictures on the Internet when you hear stories about random strangers downloading such photos.



Patricia O'Neill

I'm a retired secretary. I've enjoyed writing as a hobby since childhood and decided to try my luck on Medium. Looking out for side hustles :).