When we were ready for a cat, Tigs moved in

John Fuller
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2023


We decided to adopt a cat and magically, out of nowhere, one adopted us.

Catness readers, meet Tigs.

It really felt like destiny that he came into our lives. When we viewed the home we now live in, he was waiting to welcome us in the street.

Affectionate and expressive, this ginger tom was probably the reason we bought the house.

Photo by author

At that point, he was called Dave, after a drummer in a heavy metal band. Which never felt right to us but then, at that point, he wasn’t our cat — but our next-door neighbour.

With a coat that blends graduated tiger stripes with an immaculate front bib of white; it’s a wonderful hybrid going on. Snowy paws and a white stripe up the centre of his head contrast with a stripy tale that lightens at the tip.

Abandoned as a kitten, rescued and re-homed, Tigs was always looking for head pats and a leg to rub against when we saw him. We were only too happy to oblige.

A gregarious friendly tiger, which is how he came to be known to us as ‘Tigs’, one day a month after we had settled in, he appeared at our back door and asked to come in for a look around.

Little did we know then, he was scouting out the place for a more permanent arrangement. If you believe in such things, we manifested each other.



John Fuller

Writer | Author | Cat Dad | Tea | Photography | Travel | All things Yorkshire | cricketyorkshire.com