Why Your Cat Kneads You

There’s more than one reason

L.A. Strucke


Photo Credit: L.A.Strucke

Does your cat love to jump in your lap and start kneading you? You are not alone

My cat Rumi kneads me. He thinks I’m his mother.

He doesn’t knead my belly like most cats. No, he’s an elbow cat. He is in love with my elbow. He kneads that area like it’s a sacred ritual. Afterward, he buries his little nose in his favorite elbow and falls asleep in bliss.

Why is this cat so weird? Actually, he’s not very weird at all.

Kneading is normal for cats

Kneading is a normal cat behavior. Kneading is when a cat moves his paws back and forth like someone kneading dough to make bread. Some use their claws, and some cats don’t.

Cats knead because it is comforting to them. It brings back memories of when they were kittens, kneading on their mother to help them when nursing. Scientists say kneading is a way for cats to relax.

When a cat kneads his mother it helps the milk let out. Kneading is comforting to cats. They associate it with being safe, fed, and loved.

How Rumi was saved

Rumi was a feral cat. He was found alone hiding on a campground when he was a small kitten. People tried to approach him, but he…



L.A. Strucke

Top Writer, Songwriter. Published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Highlights for Children and Guideposts. Editor of The Creative Project.