Catoshi’s weekend roundup; eyes shift to NFTs

Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2022

While progress continues on staking, partnerships and bridge building, it is NFTs and a linked competition that are the focus this week

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

It has been a very difficult week in the wider crypto markets. Bitcoin and the large caps have struggled somewhat and altcoins have generally suffered, as is often the way when BTC falls in price. Catoshi tokens on all chains have lost value accordingly, in many ways because the token price is linked to paired coins that have lost value themselves. However, this does not deter us. The intention is to be a service provider project for many many years to come and we will build and grow accordingly, regardless of short term markets and price action. We believe that the value our project will provide to our token holders will be a safe port in the storm that is the ebb and flow of crypto markets.


This week we announced that the V1 token holders who migrated their tokens via the portal will receive their ‘thank you’ NFTs by the end of May. We are grateful to those in the community that took the steps to use the migration portal and it is right and proper that they are rewarded.

Isaac wrote a fantastic post this week regarding our NFTs, it is reproduced below:

Catoshi has been cooking something tasty!
The long awaited NFTs for early V1 migrators will be delivered by the end of May.

What’s taking so long you may ask?
Utility is our #1 priority with this project.
NFT’s will play a key role in future utility functions around bridging, staking, and community. The plans and design around this functionality has been under development.

We will shortly distribute these V1 NFTs that will unlock a great utility for V1 migrators. We appreciate and love our community and want to reward them with FREE $Catoshi Bridging while holding this NFT. Yes that is correct. No fee bridging of Catoshi Tokens. (Network gwei still required)

We will be developing our next NFT series to come out shortly after the V1 series. These will unlock additional utility around Staking.

But there’s more!

Leading up to Catoshi NFT’s we are now launching an Official Catoshi NFT art competition. Submit your NFT design to a Team member privately to win 🏆 a reward and limited series NFT design contract. See flyer for details.

It is this competition that was hinted at in the final paragraph of last week’s update. So if any of you want to be in with a chance to win money and maybe even a contract to design a limited series of NFTs, please see the rules in the above flyer and submit your entries to a team member.

Partnerships and on-boardings

We have previously mentioned that we are in discussions with 3rd parties regarding partnerships, both strategic and technical. The nature of these partnerships and the projects we are talking to mean that things do not necessarily move quickly. This is to be expected when dealing with large projects but we understand that it can be frustrating waiting for news to be announced. We at Catoshi are confident and excited by these discussions but they need to follow their natural process, with announcements happening when ink is on the page.

We are also progressing well with current on-boardings. Bridge building for 2 projects is moving forward as expected. There are also discussions with 5 other projects that are going through pre-bridge discussions and procedures.

Website and staking

Earlier this week we tweeted that we are working on possible new website designs. I have seen early ideas and they look very promising indeed. If you have any suggestions of things you would like to see on our website please let us know. You may have also noticed that we have changed our web domain from to, which we think better represents our professional branding and focus on our bridging technology.

We have released early information regarding our forthcoming ‘staking’ which actually better resembles bridging fee profit share. Work in ongoing regarding the ‘staking’ user interface (UI). It is being reviewed and tweaked internally but even at this stage looks slick, professional and in keeping with a forward thinking technology project. I am very much looking forward to being able to share screenshots when the UI is finalised.

Just as previous weeks the bounty of $1,000 is ongoing. If you can connect a project to the Catoshi team and the project then onboards, you will be eligible to receive $1000. We have already seen community members receive bounties. There is no limit to the amount of bounties a person can receive, therefore if you successfully connect 10 projects and they are onboarded you could be eligible for $10,000. Please ask a team member for further details.

In parts of the world this week ahead is a holiday period. Although some team members may use this time to re-energize others will continue doing what we do, building bridges and making Catoshi the best it can be.

Have a great week ahead everyone. Please come and see us in our Discord and Telegram groups, we always value community input and engagement.

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