Catoshi’s weekend roundup; It might be hot and sunny but this cat’s always on the move

Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2022

Team expansion, Zerion listing as well as staking and website progress all discussed today.

Photo by Christopher Di-Nozzi on Unsplash

It is summer in many parts of the world. The sun is shining and it is expected to get hotter in the UK in the coming week. Usually cats would do little in these conditions, they would lay around soaking up the sun and do not much else. Catoshi isn’t like a regular cat.

The wider markets are still weak. The latest US CPI results are due this week and it seems once again that many are waiting for this data to see if the macro conditions are improving or not. Crypto seems split between those that think ‘the bottom’ is in already, while others look at the wider economic conditions and expect economies to weaken further before returning to growth. This uncertainty creates difficulties, not just for many investors but also for projects considering growth.

Capital expenditure is down for many projects, especially smaller projects that may struggle to survive the next 12 months. This has had an impact on the number of enquiries for bridging services. Thankfully Catoshi has 3 large bridges being developed that have been discussed previously. In the last update I discussed the Catoshi business model and the confidence the team has in the longevity of the project as a result of service based income and controlled expenditure. This confidence of not only the team but also the community has resulted in team growth in the last week.

Catoshi has expanded

Catoshi often recruits from within the community. I was a community member before being invited to join the team and the same has happened to others. This week @Champyon04 has joined the core team. A well known member of the Catoshi community, with a display name of Anthony on Telegram, @Champyon04 is a long term holder of Catoshi tokens and is a keen supporter of Fantom chain and the $FTM token. He offered suggestions in terms of Catoshi’s expansion to Fantom chain and DEX listings. @Champyon04 has a very good understanding of the project and has been getting up to speed with the inner workings and structure of Catoshi over the last week. I’m certain he will be fully up to speed in no time. As a regular Twitter user @Champyon04 has already taken on some responsibility for the Catoshi Twitter account and I am sure we will see increased Twitter engagement in the coming days and weeks. Welcome Anthony, you are a great addition to the team.

Catoshi also appointed a new Telegram Mod, @defid_ave (David). It is beneficial to have more people to engage with and protect the community, so David volunteering for a Mod post was welcome. It will be great to see David grow in confidence as he settles into the role. He already has a solid understanding of the project and this will only grow over time.

It is credit to the project that it is looking to expand the team’s skillset despite the market being slow. This shows that Catoshi is not standing still despite the poor market conditions and is instead looking to the future.

$Czats is added to Zerion

This week we saw $Czats be added to @Zerion_io which is a wallet, portfolio tracker and aggregator DEX. Zerion is available on web and app (including both iOS and Android) and claims to have over 200,000 users. This increases the ease to not only store but also track, buy and sell $Czats and that cannot be a bad thing. What is interesting is that Zerion has integrated $Czats onto their platform without a Catoshi team request, something that I see as a real credit to the potential of Catoshi, Zerion has certainly seen something in it.

Bridge fee staking and website development

I have been saying for some weeks now that Catoshi Staking is close and the image above which was tweeted this week confirms it. The Bridge Fee Staking platform is in the final stages of testing. I wrote in a previous article that;

(T)his is not a standard type of staking. Instead it is a bridge fee share to those that lock up tokens. Rewards will be in the tokens of the projects that are using the bridge rather than just Catoshi tokens. This means that the bundle of tokens will be broad, reducing the risk of the bundle losing value and increasing the chance that one of the tokens will be a ‘moonshot’. It also means that unlike standard staking rewards there will be limited sell pressure on our chart. The rewards are directly linked to bridge volume, so as the project grows the bridge fees being distributed will also grow. This is realistic and sustainable, built on traditional economic and business ideas that rewards should be in relation to income.

NFT staking will then follow which will be a more traditional form of staking.

The specific details of both staking offerings will be covered in separate launch articles which I am very much looking forward to writing.

The website redesign is in it’s final stages. The web designer is working closely with project owner Josha to incorporate the various different services, associated links and information in a manner that is consistent with our recent branding. This website will be a focus for clients and users alike so making it sleek, user friendly and professional is core to our marketability and projected identity. Hopefully screenshots will be tweeted in the coming days and weeks and I will collate them in a future round-up.

Just as previous weeks the bounty of $1,000 is ongoing. If you can connect a project to the Catoshi team and the project then onboards, you will be eligible to receive $1000. We have already seen community members receive bounties. There is no limit to the amount of bounties a person can receive, therefore if you successfully connect 10 projects and they are onboarded you could be eligible for $10,000. Please ask a team member for further details.

Have a great week ahead everyone

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