Catoshi’s weekend roundup; the cat is waking up

Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2022

The last week has seen a roughly 100% token price increase as well as a rise in volume. Catoshi has been under the radar long enough.

Photo by Eric Han on Unsplash

This last week has in some ways been quieter than many and in other ways one of the most exciting weeks we have experienced as a team in a very long time.

The latter half of the week has been a holiday period for many and that has given an opportunity for rest and recuperation. This is essential to prevent burnout and enable team members to perform to a high level as we move into a period of expected increased activity and opportunities, because…

Earlier in the week the efforts of the Catoshi leadership team paid off with the verbal agreement on two partnerships which will massively increase the reach and capability that Catoshi can offer. This will open up Catoshi to a much wider customer base, both in terms of projects wanting to use our services and token holders looking to benefit from the utility of the token. This will include increased farming returns and bridge fees for those that choose to stake once that option goes live. Unfortunately until the ink is on the paper nothing can be formally announced regarding these partnerships.

Catoshi at the time of writing is sitting at a $2.6m market cap, something that can be said to still be low compared to other bridging platforms. We will be looking at comparisons to other bridge providers, both in terms of market cap, total value locked (TVL) as well as volume across Catoshi bridges.

Just as previous weeks the bounty of $1,000 is ongoing. If you can connect a project to the Catoshi team and the project then onboards, you will be eligible to receive $1000. We have already seen community members receive bounties. There is no limit to the amount of bounties a person can receive, therefore if you successfully connect 10 projects and they are onboarded you could be eligible for $10,000. Please ask a team member for further details.

The Catoshi team has always been adamant that as predominantly a service provider to other blockchain projects the value of the token will increase as the number of onboarded projects and bridging volume increases. This has been a stance that has been largely supported by our very loyal core community. As a team we are grateful for the patience that so many have shown and that is now starting to be rewarded. This was highlighted by something one of our community said a few hours ago, something that really resonated with me;

Remember, Cats: during gold rushes, it was the people selling equipment who became rich.

In the crypto gold rush, Catoshi is selling equipment.

Have a great weekend everyone

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