Catoshi’s weekend roundup, things are looking good!!

Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2022
Photo by Timothy Meinberg on Unsplash

It’s a lovely spring day where I am. The sun is shining and fresh growth of leaves are opening on the trees. Spring is one of my favourite seasons. After the long winter of short cold days, with usually rain instead of lovely snow, it is with both relief and excitement that the short cold days give way to growth and the anticipation of what is to come.

Catoshi mirrors this with incredible similarity. For the last six months bridge development has continued. Multiple chains have been added to Catoshi’s capability and some projects have onboarded to use the services Catoshi offers. But just as with winter these few flowers that pop up only hint at the full potential of the flowers that are waiting to rise and bloom. They are under the soil, getting prepared to make themselves seen when the time is right, and so it has been with Catoshi. The time for Catoshi to finally be seen is here, just as with the spring bulbs. The potential for a wondrous summer is finally showing itself. Catoshi is getting more and more eyes looking at the potential that has been developing over a long, quiet winter. Now it’s time to turn potential into reality.

The White Label bridge made for CrogeCoin went live on the 8th of April. After some teething issues, including the Cronos chain being very slow at launch, the bridge between Cronos chain and BNB chain is running smoothly. As we often see it is taking a little time for all of the bridged community to fully get to grips with the bridging process and how to interpret price and market cap on different chains. However, the Catoshi team have been present in the CrogeCoin community to engage with and support any token holders that may have been unsure.

We are good at that, supporting the projects that onboard with Catoshi, both their teams and community members. Catoshi adds that personal support and we have received messages this week thanking the Catoshi team for helping when user difficulties arose. Catoshi also offers onboarded teams the means to manually process any stuck bridge transactions which gives the teams more autonomy.

The bridging of CrogeCoin was significant in the Cronos chain community. Following the success of this, plus the recent Elon Goat bridge, there has been an increase in contact being made to the Catoshi team from project leaders looking to use Catoshi’s services. It is getting to the point that we may soon need to expand the team purely to manage the influx of enquiries, but this can only be seen as positive.

Things are starting to ramp up at Catoshi HQ. Two more projects have signed up for bridges this week with many more at the planning and negotiation stage. Though things are speeding up, the work that the development team has put in over the last 10 months means projects can be onboarded in 10–14 days usually, incredibly quick for a bridge to be built. But the speed is based around the way that developers have created the almost ‘plug and play’ nature of the bridges whilst keeping best in class security at the fore.

It is projects onboarding that will result in Catoshi’s growth. Just as last week the bounty of $1,000 is ongoing. If you can connect a project to the Catoshi team and the project then onboards, you will be eligible to receive $1000. We have already seen community members receive bounties. There is no limit to the amount of bounties a person can receive, therefore if you successfully connect 10 projects and they are onboarded you could be eligible for $10,000. Please ask a team member for further details.

Catoshi is looking at other areas however to increase exposure and market access. This is via making contact with large projects with the aim of being accepted as a partner in their growing infrastructures. Not too much can be said currently, the same as last week. The team is making great strides in this area and are confident that we will have some good news to announce in the future. Unfortunately it’s a ‘watch this space’ scenario at the moment, but if successful in our inter-project networking and negotiations the benefits for Catoshi would be huge.

I am incredibly excited about the weeks and months ahead. The chart has been steadily rising over the last few weeks but Catoshi is still in it’s infancy in terms of market awareness. However the products on offer and skillset of the team show a much higher potential value than what the market cap shows. Things are in place, the development is all there, the experience of the team is growing week by week. In many ways this steady preparation has been essential in forging a project that is prepared for rapid growth.

Just like the warmth of the sun leads to the rapid growth of leaves and flowers and winter gives way to spring and summer, the time is right for Catoshi to bloom and show the space the value that it has to offer.

Have a great weekend everyone

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