Is it hard to stay connected with your friends?

Stephen Tan
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2024
Photo by Keira Burton

You’re scrolling through social media. You come across a great meme and share it with one of your friends. You start chatting a bit, miss the good times, and eventually decide to catch up.

“Yeah, it’s been ages since we last met. Sharing memes has become the only way we talk, it seems. Haha!”

“So when should we meet?”

“Let’s do this Friday?”

“Done! See you Friday. Same old place?”

“Purrfect! See ya!”

And then Friday comes, and you both have forgotten about this meet-up. You frantically text them at the end moment to reschedule.

Wednesday night.
Then next weekend.

And the story never ends…

Put your hand on your heart and tell us how many times this has happened to you. Most of us have gone through this. And we can’t blame anyone for this. Our lives have become so busy — work, more work, meetings, prior commitments… phew!

Is there even a way to get time for social life? 😞
Well it’s right there on your palm. On your phone.
Enter CaughtUp.

An app that helps you stay connected with your friends. No matter how busy you are.

Wow. The same device that keeps you busy most of the time helps you find time for your dear ones. Ironical, right?

But hey! We thought, screens are not going out of our lives, so we better leverage them for something good.

So how does CaughtUp help?

  • Check time availability: Now you don’t have to play see-saw asking for each other’s availability. If you’re both on theCaughtUp app, you can see the common free time and fix a time to meet.
    They can’t avoid your jokes no more! 👿
  • Successfully organize events: If you’ve ever organised any event, you know the behind-the-scenes. Deciding the theme, thinking who all to invite… Climbing a mountain seems easier than planning and coordinating a party! Now leave all this to us. We’ll coordinate, keep track of attendees, & remind everyone of the plans.
  • Get event reminders: Remember the good ol’ days when we used to leave reminder notes on the refrigerator? Now create shared events with your friends, so everyone knows where to meet!
    Specially, for that one friend who keeps forgetting the date, the venue and whatnot. 🤦
  • Check out cool suggestions: There’s another side of the spectrum too when you’re free someday and want to do something fun but don’t know what. We come to your rescue again. Simply check the app to find out what your friends are doing. Like it? Join it!
    There’s nothing better than giving a nice surprise 😁

And guess what?

You can sync your existing calendars and get on with the app. That’s one less hassle in life.

Don’t miss the golden moments of meeting friends and making new memories. Friends make life beautiful.

After all, as they say, never let your friends feel lonely…. Keep disturbing them.

So get your CaughtUp app, get yourself and your friends on it and stay tuned with each other!

Originally published at



Stephen Tan

👨‍💻 Hi, I'm Stephen, a big tech software engineer and the creator, a new kind of personal calendar.