Causr resonates with UK Government Initiative

Tom Kendall
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2017

We recently received a group suggestion for the UK Civil Service on Causr for civil servants to collaborate & connect with each other and their community.

Causr — A Group for Civil Servants to connect & collaborate across the UK

We looked at what actions the Government currently carry out to see how Causr fits in and how we can benefit Civil Servants across the UK.

One initiative resonated with what we are doing to connect communities - the Civil Service Local. CS Local is a cross departmental initiative which is part of the Cabinet Office but based in the regions.

Their purpose is to “bring together departments and agencies within each locality to deliver actions and opportunities that will bring the vision for a Brilliant Civil Service to life and encourage more of us to be part of it.”

Who are CS Local and what do they do?

Through better participation the CS Local aims to achieve the cultural shift needed to turn vision into reality. They refer to themselves as the “role to be a catalyst in that process.”

“We provide the creative spark and energy that drives change forward, we connect people from different departments and help them to share expertise and develop skills and solutions that benefit the business and customers.”

CS Local is not a scale delivery programme, but their focus on forging the links and establishing the trust that allows new ideas to be developed and better ways of working trialled.

How does CS Local work?

The delivery of CS Local are based upon collaboration and collective strength. Their work programme focuses only upon those aspects that they are best placed to deliver. They also encourage a culture of creativity to flourish from within the Civil Service. They look to explore new ways of working by piloting new initiatives on the ground and learning from them. As with every aspiring organisation they look for continued innovation which is reflected in our business objectives.

CS Local Strategic Aims

CS Local works to support the Civil Service vision of a Brilliant Civil Service.

  • Improved Outcomes
  • Effective Leaders
  • Skilled People
  • A Great Place to Work

Under this umbrella, the three key themes that we find are relevant to us were:

Connect: Develop local connectivity between departments. Encourage greater effectiveness through sharing resources, expertise and developing strong local networks.

Inspire: Champion the vision for the Civil Service by engaging Civil Servants in all regions, raising awareness, promoting inclusion and encouraging participation.

Innovation: Encourage a culture of innovation through the design and piloting of creative solutions and new ways of working together.

Although Causr & CS Local offer different services, our aim to get the best out of connecting local communities remains the same. Causr works to make more effective use of the opportunities and expertise available within your location. In doing so, we help improve individual life chances, whilst building relationships based on the skills and solutions the local community offers.

Causr is a location-based app that introduces its users to others within the local area. It makes finding nearby professionals with similar jobs, interests and ambitions easy. Scroll through a network of users, see who’s free, meet for coffee, share business advice or simply connect. Causr plans those chances encounters, and makes missed opportunities a thing of the past.

Download the App to see who’s nearby and start connecting today. Now available on the Apple App Store.

Pre-register today to Download on Android.

