Despite ‘App’athy why does the world needs another app?

James Eder
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2017

Launching Student Beans back in 2005 came with different challenges, smart phones didn’t exist, we didn’t need to worry if we were on iOS, Android, Windows and Web all at the same time. Despite there being around 1 million results when searching Student Discounts there are now 53.5 million!

There’s so much more noise now than ever before. We are bombarded and the common phrase is ‘There’s an App for that’ but what I’ve come to realise since we launched on the app store is people just assume it’s the same as what’s already out there and why do they need another App? Hence ‘App’athy.

A few years ago I was sitting on the Underground in London when someone came and sat in the seat next to me. They were clutching their CV, so I asked them where they’d been and what they were looking for. A few weeks later, we were sat together again, this time in my first company, Student Beans offices.

It got me starting to think why more or these conversations didn’t take place amongst a number of other experiences led me to define three core pillars:

  1. People don’t feel like they’ve got permission.
  2. People don’t feel confident.
  3. People don’t have the context to connect.

The premise behind Causr was born. By being on Causr you are giving people permission to connect. Technology removes the barrier giving people more confidence and finally context is given to people on the app by providing context in a number of different ways. Firstly a users first name, job title and company is shown. Secondly, users can update their status to let people know what they’re looking for. Thirdly, users can join different groups to provide additional context and the opportunity to filter people by interest, there’s everything from playing sports to alumni networks as well as the football club you support. Today if there’s not a group you can see you want to join you can request one through the app.

Like dating App’s have normalised the way people connect for dating and social hookups we believe we can do the same enable more business and meaningful connections to take place. Transcending social business whether that be connecting business travellers when they are abroad for work, freelancers when they are working from a coffee shop or on a client site.

Our mission is to create millions of meaningful connections for people nearby all around the world everyday.

Facebook is about connecting with Friends. Linkedin is about connecting your professional network. There are more people within a square mile that you don’t know than you know. We believe that by unlocking the opportunities that surround us every day we can transform society and the world we live in.

Soft launching Causr back in September 2016 we keep being told people like the idea. As more users join the platform everyday it would be great to see you on there and hear your thoughts.

Causr is a location-based app that introduces its users to others within the local area. It makes finding nearby professionals with similar jobs, interests and ambitions easy. Scroll through a network of users, see who’s free, meet for coffee, share business advice or simply connect. Causr plans those chances encounters, and makes missed opportunities a thing of the past.

Download the App to see who’s nearby and start connecting today. Now available on the Apple App Store. Pre-register for our Android release here.

